Lucky Symbols
The designs below are classic decorative motifs used throughout northeast Asia. These designs are based on circular interpretations of auspicious Chinese characters that have been used for over a thousand years to embellish a wide range of housewares, gifts and clothing in China, Korea and Japan. It was generally felt that the use of such decorations conveyed success, wealth, longevity or happiness to the owner of any item decorated with the corresponding character. To help you decide how and where to use these designs, the set includes a pdf file that provides a lengthier explanation of the origins of each design and shows both the Chinese and Japanese pronunciation transcribed into English. Each of these symbols measures 1.84 x 1.82 inches (46.8 x 46.2mm) and stitch counts range from 1,748 to 2,915.
This set is available in JEF, VP3, PES and HUS.
Click the appropriate button below to purchase this set in the format of your choice. After the payment has been completed, a password for downloading the design will be generated automatically and sent to the e-mail address used during the purchase. For a more detailed description of the process, please check the “How to buy designs” page listed on the menu bar at the top of the page. If you experience any difficulty, please e-mail me using the contact link also listed on the menu bar above.
(click on the image to download sample)